The Acadian Expulsion Memorial List

Make in your mouths the words that were our namesArchibald MacLeish

In honor of Acadian Remembrance Day observed on December 13, 2024, Acadian genealogist Nicole Gallant-Nunes published the first part of her Acadian Expulsion Memorial List. The list will eventually name all of the Acadians who tragically died during the period of the Le Grand Dérangement, which began in 1755 and spanned decades.

Part 1 lists more than 2,400 Acadians and includes several vital details for each person. Nicole created the list to

  • remember and honor the lives lost and

  • gather descendants to share our history and the ancestors’ legacy.

Acadian Expulsion Memorial List or

Acadian Expulsion Memorial List

Nicole Gallant-Nunes can be contacted at and more of her work can be found on her blog.

On November 13th, 2024, Lisa-Elvin Staltari, host of the Have Roots Will Travel channel, held a two-hour meeting with Nicole Gallant-Nunes and several Acadian cousins to

  • discuss The Acadian Expulsion Memorial List and

  • share the effect of the Acadian Expulsion on ourselves, our family trees, and the Acadian community as a whole.